

A popular feature of the World LNG Summit & Awards, the Masterclasses provide direct access to the latest insights and perspectives from industry experts on the topics that matter today.

Fully CPD accredited, the sessions will arm you with the necessary tools to apply to your day job and shape your business strategy going forward whilst also starting your networking early.

Masterclass A | What are the long-term prospects for LNG?


  • The global LNG market in 2025 and 2026
  • What can we expect for LNG supply, demand, and prices in 2026?
  • FIDs on new liquefaction capacity in 2026 and outlook for 2027
  • Forecast LNG supply and demand 2026 to 2050
  • What will LNG’s role be in the path to net zero?
  • Will price pressures ease as new liquefaction projects come onstream?
  • How much new liquefaction capacity is required over the 2020s and how much will be built?
  • Which markets the be the sources of demand growth?
  • Which countries will start to import LNG and how much LNG will they need?
  • How are LNG trade flows changing and what is the outlook for spot and short-term trading?


        Masterclass Leader 
        Andy Flower, Independent Consultant, Flower LNG

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Masterclass B | Strategic and commercial implications of methane emissions management


Masterclass B Training: Strategic and commercial implications of Methane emissions management

  • Understanding current and prospective CO2 and CH4 intensity regulations
  • Accurately measuring emissions across fuel supply chains for both CO2 and CH4
  • Methodology for benchmarking LNG against competing fuels
  • Implications for natural gas and LNG trade and pricing
  • Strategic considerations for natural gas and LNG buyers and sellers

Masterclass B Panel: Focus on EU regulatory compliance and SPA structuring implications 

  • MRV requirements to comply with EU regulation
  • LNG supply chain emission intensity certification
  • Implications for SPA structuring and drafting
  • Potential additional downstream certification and undertakings
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